Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Here we are, after a month here, we may have made a break through in publishing on the post. I will try to upload pictures at 2 baptisms that happened the first week we were here. And if they show up, we will write about them.
The first picture is of some happy ward members and the Sister missionaries gathered around Lou and Able Valenzuala. They were radiant and so happy to be baptized. The next day, Elder Cook, the zone leader worried that Lou's name had not been correct in his baptism. Prayerfully, the missionary came to the newly baptized and said, "I feel we need to do this again." So we had a second baptism for this good brother that very night. We will never forget the fervor of the Elders in filling up the font, with buckets and hoses as the tap trickled it's water into the font. Then in a private baptism Lou was baptized a second time. The Spirit was strong and we all bore testimonies to each other. The second picture is of Perry's baptism night. The picture is blurry, but it was a bright night! This man is poor, his family away in the Philipines. But he smiles always and we all love him. He is in a striped t-shirt, but he has been given a white shirt, and a new tie.

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